Birthing Classes - Calmbirth Education

Calmbirth education program preparing pregnant couples for their upcoming labour & birth.

“Childbirth is a life-changing event, so it's important to do everything you can to prepare for it. Taking a Calmbirth birthing class is one way to set yourself up for success during this time in your life.”

Birthing Classes

Birthing classes are a great way for expectant parents to prepare for the birth of their baby. The classes provide an opportunity for new parents to learn about birthing in a supportive environment, arming them with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful birthing experience. With individualised instruction from an experienced midwife, classes offer the chance to go beyond birthing basics and explore topics related to positive birthing such as guided relaxation, breathing techniques, and positioning for labour. Taking birthing classes allows couples to create the birthing environment they desire and give them the confidence they need when the time comes. Birthing classes are also great ways to build confidence before birth by learning how to make decisions about complications that may arise during labour. Not only is attending birthing classes worthwhile for all expecting mothers it is also be beneficial for partners to understand the birthing process from start to finish and better understand how they can support their laboring partner. Attending birthing classes is truly invaluable when preparing for your little ones' arrival!

Calmbirth the Australian developed childbirth education program, delivered ONLY by trained birth professionals, helping you prepare for the BEST BIRTH possible.

Birthing Classes Perth

How Calmbirth can assist you on your birthing journey.

I am a calmbirth qualified educator which is an international, evidenced-based childbirth education program, who’s philosophy is that ‘with knowledge comes confidence’, with the belief that when a couple understands birth and know how to work with the process, they are able to achieve positive birth experiences.

My goal is to educate not just how a woman gives birth but rather how a couple can work together to enhance their birth experience.

Helping you prepare emotionally, mentally and physically for birth, empowering you to make informed-decisions about your birth and with your caregivers.

Calmbirth is also the ONLY childbirth education program that requires ALL its educators to be practising midwives, doulas or trained birth professionals.

For more information on my calmbirth educational profile, click here.

“Calmbirth is an evidence-based program that teaches couples how to work together as a team during labour and birth.

Taking a Calmbirth class can help reduce your fear and anxiety about childbirth and increase your confidence in your ability to give birth”.

What happy couples have said:

“If you are looking for a comprehensive childbirth education program that will leave you feeling confident and prepared for your big day, look no further than the Calmbirth Course!”

Calmbirth is one of the first childbirth education programs to be evidence-based and clinically and scientifically proven to significantly:

  • Reduce the rates of medical intervention

  • Reduce the use of pain relief and epidurals during childbirth

  • Reduce the impact of perinatal anxiety and postnatal depression in women after childbirth, and

  • Enrich their birth experience as positive, irrespective of how they birth.

  • The ideal time to attend this course is between 24-34 weeks pregnant.

  • Private Health Care rebates may also apply.

Birthing Classes - Calmbirth Education

“The Calmbirth program is suitable for first time or subsequent births; for couples who’ve had a challenging birth experience and would like their next birth experience to be different; as well as for couples who know they’ll be having a caesarean. Calmbirth embraces and accepts all pregnant couples regardless of their age, culture, socio-economic or sexual orientation.”

Calm birth Goal

  • Gain effective tools that will allow a couple to work with the process of labour and birth, rather than against it, assisting them to create the best birth for themselves and their baby

  • Highlight the importance of fostering positive relationships with each other and their baby through pregnancy, birth and beyond.

  • Reduce fears and anxieties about labour and birth through knowledge.

“If you're looking for a way to help prepare for a calm and confident birth, look no further than the Calmbirth course!”


Consists of either 2x full day weekend sessions or 4x evening sessions.

*Total of 12 hours of learning

*Ideal time to book 24-35 weeks pregnant

*For private classes/bookings please contact me prior 

Class Timetable

June 22nd - 23rd 2024

July 27th - 28th 2024

August 31st - September 1st 2024

October 5th - 6th 2024

November 9th - 10th 2024

December 14th - 15th 2024

Group Course held at Boya Community Centre

Saturday 9am - 5pm & Sunday 9am - 5pm

*Private Health Care rebates may also apply*

  • Group Class - $550 per couple.

  • Private class - $850 per couple.

Still not sure on what service is right for you?

Book in a complimentary 15 minute call with me (Jess) where we can go over your concerns.